Delivery of operating theatres to Karlskoga
Modular operating theatres were delivered to Karlskoga according to plan.
The quality requirements are high and the project is going according to schedule. On Wednesday, the modules were loaded onto specially built trucks for further transport to Karlskoga Hospital. An installation team from Swedish Modules is on location in Karlskoga for the assembly and final installation. The assembly is taking place in collaboration with the main contractor, NCC.
The project is running according to plan. The transportation to Karlskoga is one of several crucial moments in the timetable. The assembly on site is demanding and the deadline is tight. We only have two days to carry out the assembly, and the construction area at the hospital’s courtyard is very limited.
The transportation is being carried out on low-load trailers measuring 13.35 meters in length that were specially built for this purpose. The modules are being shipped by caravan with four trailers, each carrying one unit at a time and weighing approximately 28 tons. They will be following the E20 highway to Karlskoga. On site, the modules will be hoisted over the existing six floors of the hospital’s building into the narrow inner courtyard for final assembly. The carrier is environmentally certified.
Region Örebro County signed a two-year lease with Swedish Modules on three complete modular operating theatres, which will be able to be subsequently disassembled and used elsewhere when the hospital’s new expansion is finished. Approximately 3,200 operations are performed at Karlskoga Hospital every year and maintaining quality and service were vital for Region Örebro County when it came to choosing the modular solution from Swedish Modules.
Swedish Modules AB supplies modular construction to a number of different segments, including Offshore, Energy & IT, Real Estate and clinical environments. The business is located in Emtunga, Sweden, and has 40 employees. Swedish Modules is part of the Stenhaga Invest AB realm of companies. www.swedishmodules.com